Carole Gardens

Responsive web design (and re-design) for a growing gardening business.

Carole Gardens website on laptop and mobile platforms.
Figma logoPhotoshop logoAdobe Illustrator logoWebflow logo



Carole Gardens is a rapidly growing gardening business in Philadelphia that needed a way to reach new clients and set up initial consultations. Potential clients, in turn, needed a way to view the process and schedule a consultation on their timeline.

The previous version of the site was an early attempt of mine, had some major issues, and required a complete redesign.


Carole Gardens' primary goals for the redesigned site were:

To date, Carole Gardens has booked 40+ new clients through the site, ranging in scope from one-time designs to year-long, recurring contracts.

The goal is to double that number and increase efficiency through the following KPIs.

KPIs for the redesign:

Previous design

Much of the initial research proved obsolete in light of real user feedback.

You can find the original case study here, which includes a link to the previous site.

User research


Initial user research included the usual suspects- personas, journey maps, etc.- but feedback from users of the live site was more enlightening, and sometimes surprising.

Pain points

Users expressed three major pain points in their experience with the site:

Confusion in the form

Users were confused by the old form which only allowed them to choose one option since they were listed as radio buttons. Current clients interested in more than one service mentioned that they were confused by this, and this friction may have caused others to abandon the form.
I replaced the radio style buttons with checkboxes, allowing users to select as many services as they were interested in.
Carole Gardens' contact form highlighting improved services selection.

Confusion with the services provided

The old site prioritized steps of service over what each service entailed. We believed that users would want an outline of the season, but interviews revealed they were more interested in what was included with each service.
Clients wanted to be better informed as to what was included with each service when they met with Carole Gardens for their initial consultation.
I laid out the services on cards, explaining what was included with each, allowing users to choose the services they were interested in- a la carte.
Carole Gardens website showing services and processes section.

Too few examples of work

Users wanted more examples of Carole Gardens' to aid their decision to request service.  
More (and larger) images
In addition to a larger scrolling carousel of lightbox images, I added a Gallery page with images organized into Planter and Garden categories.
Before image of Carole Gardens website photo carousel.
New version of Carole Gardens website photo carousel.



Starting with a blank slate, I envisioned the new site in terms of a traditional service provider, designing wires with faith that future imagery would provide the individual personality of the business.
The wireframes remained pretty true to the final design, though the services were ultimately streamlined and placed in cards on the homepage.
Midway through the design it became apparent that a services page was redundant. Instead, I added a gallery page with nearly 80 images that highlighted the business, organized into two categories: planters and gardens.
Wireframes for Carole Gardens website.


Mockups for Carole Gardens website.
Again, the final design remained pretty true to the mockups, with the exception of the services page being omitted in favor of more in-depth descriptions on the home page, and the addition of a gallery page.
The footer was replaced with a fixed background image to remain consistent with the rest of the site, and a few changes were made due to constraints in load time- most notably the slider on the homepage went from full screen to 1440px.
1440px was large enough to read as full screen on most laptops and, although the decision was driven by bandwidth considerations, ended up being more aesthetically pleasing on desktops as well.


The sitemap served to organize thoughts and assets, keeping focus on conversion with ample opportunities to access the contact form.
A proper .xml map greatly helped with visibility in search results.
Sitemap for Carole Gardens

Web design

Most of the final decisions have been discussed previously, below are some images of the final site design.
Carole Gardens homepage hero image.Carole Gardens website showing services and processes section.Carole Gardens website Gallery page.Gallery images on Carole Gardens website.About us page on Carole Gardens website.About us and testimonials sections on the home page of Carole Gardens website.Testimonials section of Carole Gardens website.Contact form on Carole Gardens website.

Copy for the site

I rewrote all the copy for the site, drawing inspiration for the service descriptions from Carol Gardens' standard proposals and contracts.
Final copy for the site included:
  • Titles and subtitles
  • Overview of the business
  • Description of the process
  • Descriptions of the services
  • Bios of both the business and it's founder


With such a picture heavy site, optimizing images to get the site to load in a reasonable time was a real challenge.
The nature of the photographs, densely textured and color rich, made for a real trade-off between quality and speed.
Google's analytical tools helped to:
  • Find pages with slow load times and address them
  • Inform decisions in image size
  • Discover when I could get away with a large image here and there
  • Validate image size and quality compromises for the sake of speed

Accessibility considerations

view the live site


What I learned

I learned so much from the many iterations of this project, most importantly:

Next steps

I will continue to maintain and update the site for the business. The immediate next steps will be:

Let's work together

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